***At this ti,e we areThis is going to be SNOW MUCH FUN! We’ve been hitting the slopes with visually impaired folks for many years for our annual visit to Mt. Crescent. This year, we are offering downhill snow skiing and a chance to try snowboarding. This event is for anyone 12 years of age or above, with any level of vision loss, and requires no previous skill or experience. The day includes transportation to and from Outlook to Mt. Crescent (for adults 19+ years), a lesson in the activity of your choice, a sighted ski or snowboard guide, lunch, and even a new beanie and gloves or mittens donated from REI if you need them. This adventure has everything you need to make the most of winter! Whether you’re a pro at carving out the snow or new to it all and just hoping not to fall, we’ve got a spot for you on this winter adventure.
If you have already signed up for the originally scheduled ski/snowboard day in January, you do not need to register again. Someone will reach out to confirm the new details for February 22.
Transportation is being provided by a volunteer driver so we prefer not to transport minors. Parents will need to drop our younger skiers/snowboarders off and then come in and sign a Mt. Crescent waiver prior to leaving. As always, parents can stay and watch.