How Rachael Found Confidence & Freedom

Rachael’s Diagnosis

In September 2014, Rachael was diagnosed with stage four ovarian cancer and began chemo treatments, and by March 2015, Rachael had finished her fourth treatment. Rachael started noticing changes in her vision, and “things were getting blurrier.” Rachael believed that her eyes were changing with age and waited until she was done with her chemo treatments to see an eye care professional.

Thinking she just needed glasses, she went to a big box optical center with her sister-in-law since she no longer felt safe to drive. During the visit, Rachael discovered she couldn’t read anything below the first line of text on the eye chart. The optician began to write a prescription, not divulging that in her current vision, she was classified as legally blind until her sister-in-law asked the doctor when Rachael was told that she was now legally blind.

Over the next year, Rachael was connected to several eye care professionals and had extensive testing. Rachael was eventually informed that she had bleeding in her retina and significant scarring in her eyes. She eventually was sent to a retina specialist, who later sent her to a neuro-ophthalmologist. After numerous hours of testing, Rachael still had no answers. At a loss, it was recommended that she see a low-vision specialist and prepare for a future without vision.

At this same time, Rachael went in for a routine check-up on her cancer and was informed she needed additional chemo treatments. As the treatments progressed, Rachael experienced a continual loss of vision, to the point that she could no longer see facial features and could only see silhouettes. Eventually, all central vision was lost, and peripheral vision slowly dwindled to nothing. By the beginning of 2017, Rachael had no vision left. 

The Impact of Rachael’s Vision Loss on Her Well-Being

Her doctors encouraged her to see an eye doctor, but Rachel was resistant and did not see the point of seeing an eye doctor because she was blind. In May of 2020, Rachael was finally connected with someone who could give her some answers. Rachael was told she had cancer of the eye, and in June 2020, her left eye was removed.

Rachael pulled back from all social activities, limited her interaction to only her family, and rarely left her home. She found herself slipping further into depression and felt vulnerable and alone. With the vision loss, she could no longer help others in her family, was angry, and felt helpless because she needed so much assistance to complete tasks. “I felt like I no longer had control over my life.”

Gaining Acceptance and Seeking Support

Rachael reached out to Outlook Enrichment in January 2022. She was at the end of her rope and felt distraught, lonely, and useless. “It was a very tear-filled conversion.” Rachael was emotionally at her breaking point. As she talked to staff who described services, Rachael started to see that there was hope after being told for so long that nothing could be done.

“I started to see there was hope and people genuinely cared about me. I never heard we can’t help you with that, all I heard was, you can do it. We just have to figure out the right way. I felt like someone had tossed me a life preserver and was told to hold on tight.”

Rachael initially started receiving training in Adaptive Technology and received an individualized adjustment to blindness services to assist with the changes she now faces and the emotional grieving process.

As Rachael became more confident, she started taking Moby transportation by herself. “It was a big day. I was so proud of myself.” Rachael had new freedom and confidence not experienced in a long time. Gradually, she joined more Enrichment programs. Rachael regularly participates in the Color Outside the Lines arts program and is an active member of the weekly support group, sharing and empowering others through her Journey.

Inspiring Aha Moments With Doug

Doug’s Background Story

After graduating from Southeast Community College with an associate degree in electro-mechanical technology, Doug worked as a maintenance man for 9 years in the Omaha area. Without warning, in 1995, he lost his vision and went from being sighted to fully blind. He did 6-7 months of rehab and then spent 7 years looking for new employment. Three years after losing his vision, he welcomed his twin daughters into his life. He wanted to return to the workforce with this new addition to his family. He came across Outlook Nebraska in 2002 and started employment with First Star Fiber, where he ran the case packer. When Outlook Nebraska separated from First Star Fiber in 2008, he became a manual packer until the wrapper machines were purchased. He took on the challenge of running those machines until 2011.

In 2011, Doug returned to school at Bellevue University and started working as an adaptive technology trainer at Outlook. In May 2012, he earned his BS in Business. Doug continues to help grow the adaptive technology program into what it is today.

In 2015, Doug got a new family member when he flew to New York to train and meet his dog guide, Phineas. Because of Phineas, Doug has become very independent and even flies to supervisor training classes independently.

Finding Purpose With Adaptive Technology Training

When asked what the best part of his job is and what advice he would give someone new to vision loss, he said, “When a client has an aha moment and then gets the technology they are training on. I love to see my clients achieve their goals. Don’t give up. It might seem to you that you can’t do anything after losing your vision, but the technology is out there to help you do everyday tasks. You just need to search for the right people to help you. I thought that way until I found Outlook and got to messing around with technology. What you can achieve is amazing if you just give it the effort.”

We loved having Doug and Phineas on the Outlook Enrichment team. Doug touched many lives during his time at Outlook and will be greatly missed.

2022 Outlook Enrichment Donor List

Explore Outlook Enrichment’s 2022 Donor List. We are grateful to have a diverse and generous list of contributors who support our mission and efforts.

Business & Community Group Donors

A United Automatic Doors & Glass Inc
BG Peterson Company
Blair Lions Club
Boys Town National Research Hospital
Community Club Tours
Echo Electric Supply
Erickson & Sederstrom, P.C.
Feltz WealthPlan Partners
General Fire & Safety
Goodwill Omaha
Great Lakes Tissue
Gretna Lions Club
Heritage Gold Club – Partners Bank
Kirsch Transportation
Korber Tissue North America
Lukas Partners
Maflex America, Inc.
Murdock Lions Club
Omaha CPCU Society Chapter
Palmer Fixture
Papillion Area Lions Foundation
Pintail Consulting
Rejoice Lutheran Church
Ricoh USA
The Makery
The Weitz Company
Titanium Fire Sprinkler
Trebor Inc
UMB Bank
Valentine Community Schools District No. 6
Vistage Omaha
West Gate Bank

Foundation Supporters

Gilbert M & Martha H Hitchcock Foundation
Kleinberg Family Foundation
Mammel Family Foundation
Manota E Simon Foundation
Mutual of Omaha Foundation
National Council of Jewish Women Nebraska
National Philanthropic Trust
Omaha Community Foundation
Robert Herman Storz Foundation
Rupert Dunklau Foundation
The Ethel S Abbott Charitable Foundation
The Stanley M Truhlsen Family Foundation Inc
William & Ruth Scott Family Foundation

Individual Donors

Pete Adams
Kaitlin Ahart
Paul Ailslieger
Eric Arneson
Bob Arp
Derek Babb
Matthew Baer
Kim Balkovec
Dana Behlen
Wade Behlen
Michael Bjornstad
Steven Bolinger
Bryan Brabec
Joshua Burnett
Jason Campbell
Mike Campbell
Rachel Carver
Linda Clemmons
Bob Corn
Francis Daniels
Janice Denton
Joan Dickman
Jeffrey Dobson
Bart/Kim/Vincent/Trisha Drage
Alyson Dreyer-Benes
Mary Ann Duda
Brad Eagles
Arthur Eisenbeisz
Kathern And Vernal Faller
Janet Farber
Linda Felber
Marianne Franks
Carol Gibilisco
Christopher Goble
Kristin Gochenour
Michael Graverson
Tim Green
Barbara Greenspan
Jody Grewe-Gasnick
Jason Gustafson
Scott Haddick
Scott Herman
Philip Hezeltine
Ken Higgins
Barb Hillestad
Susan Hodges
Elizabeth Hosford
Joseph Hrdy
Joseph Hrdy
Mark & Linda Ingalls
Rebekah Jerde
Chris Johnson
R.C. Johnson
Dan Kassmeier
Dan Kassmeier
Richard Kelley
Ann Kelsall
Aundra Kohlbeck
Jacquelyn Kraenow
Allison Kroupa
Shubhasish Kundu
Nancy Kurtenbach
Janet Laird
Greg Larsen
Sarah Lieske
Ben Loosbrock
Randall Luebe
Charlee Malsbury
Elizabeth Marsolek
James McDowall
Nicholas McGrath
Keri Menage
Lori Mitera
Brian Mlnarik
Elsie Monthei
Amy Monthei
James Moore
Jack Moylan
Jane Nielsen
Mark Nielsen
Brook Nolin
Linda Norwood
Carrie Novak
Troy O’bey
Chuck Oddo
Daniel Palmquist
Kathleen Park
Beatrice Payne
Dana Payne
Dan Pennington
Ashley Perdunn
Kristal Platt
Brad Poelstra
Michelle Poteet
Steve Proctor
Chad Richter
Martin Ricks
Nina Rongisch
Eric Rose
Greg Rosener
Robert S & Sheila J Runyon
Carol Russell
Terry Schaefer
Louise Schafer
Scot Schoenwalder
Sally Schreiner
Dan or Carla Schwantes
Robert Scott
Nancy Scott
Richard Secor Jr
Barb Sichmeller
Cindy Singer
Michael Sloan
Troy Solsaa
Alex Spanel
Kevin Stratman
Eric Stueckrath
Ryan Swinton
Travis Tauer
Karen Thomas
Jeffery Thompson
Katie Todd
Chris Topf
Margaux Towne-Colley
Doug Troupe
William Truhlsen
Zach Udesen
Mary Underwood
Sandra Vandersnick
Albert Vitamvas
Tamara Ward
Brett Wehling
Lynn Williams
Sean Williams
Gerald Winkelbauer
Jeffrey Winkelbauer

In-Kind Donors

14 Karat
A & J Designs
A Catered Affair
Bounce U
Detail Rat
Exceptional Portraits
Francine & Harper
Gallivita: A Travel Experience Company
Indian Creek Golf Course
Maflex America, Inc.
Omaha Children’s Museum
Omaha Marriott Capitol District
Oscar’s Pizza Sports Grille
Palmer Fixture
Pintail Consulting
Rocket Carwash
The Makery
TreeRush Adventures
Village Pointe Shopping Center

Jane’s Story: Moving Forward & Giving Back

Article was written by Jane

Jane’s Diagnosis

In 2022, at age 74, I was diagnosed with Leberʼs Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (LHON). It is uncommon for women to have this eye condition because while they carry the gene, it manifests more frequently in males. LHON is a genetic eye disease inherited from the mother. We found out in 1989 that it was in the family when a family member was diagnosed.

Later, in 2006, my son was also diagnosed and became blind. My vision loss was a speedy progression. Initially, I started struggling with clouding, and what I saw would appear blurred. Images looked less sharp, and I started seeing fewer details. Tasks such as reading, recognizing faces, and completing household tasks became more challenging. Now, I can only see shadows and tell when it is light or dark outside.

Turning to Outlook Enrichment

My son and other family members informed me about services available to blind individuals. A family friend recommended that I contact Outlook Enrichment. I started working with Enrichment because I was struggling with using my phone.

Through the training, I decided to switch to the iPhone because it is more accessible and more apps are available for blind people. I am now learning more things, like how to access Zoom meetings. I look forward to my weekly adaptive training classes, which are very important. I need to learn these things, and my trainer is kind and accepting of my insecurities. I have looked at my vision loss as a project. I donʼt have a choice, I have to keep learning. Losing my vision threw me into a tailspin, as everything is so different now. The world is not welcoming to those with vision loss, and the day-to-day impacts vary from person to person.

I like that Outlook Enrichment uses other individuals who are blind to teach the blind. I support any employment of the blind and visually impaired. I support Outlook with my donations because they have assisted me with moving forward on my vision loss journey.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Embark on a journey of giving with Outlook Enrichment’s diverse sponsorship opportunities. As you explore our programs and initiatives, consider how your support can make a meaningful impact in the lives of individuals with vision loss. Join us in creating a brighter future by giving back today.

Tee It Up Fore Sight Sponsorships

Tee It Up Fore Sight has been called one of Omaha’s best-run charity golf events. It is one of the only fundraising tournaments in the area with a dedicated women’s flight. Paired with our Stanley M. Truhlsen, Jr. Blind Golfer Clinic, this event will give your guests a new perspective on visual impairment.

Wednesday, June 4, 2025
11 a.m. Shotgun Start
Tiburon Golf Club, 10302 S 168th St., Omaha, Nebraska

Learn More

Vision Beyond Sight Gala Sponsorships

We often hear from our clients that they are on the vision loss journey alone. Let’s come together this year to show them that they are not alone and that we are here every step of the way.

Help raise support for Outlook Enrichment and experience the kind of vision that transcends sight.

Thursday, November 6, 2025
6-9 p.m.
A View West Shores, 110 S 243rd St, Waterloo, NE

Learn More


Visionary Sponsorships

Show your support for Outlook Enrichment and its mission year-round with our Visionary Sponsorship packages. These elite sponsorship opportunities include top-level recognition at our two annual signature events — Tee It Up Fore Sight and Vision Beyond Sight Gala — plus special perks available only to our Visionaries.

Each package is exclusive—only one of each level will be sold. For more information, contact Nina Rongisch, Executive Director, at or 531-365-5432.

Learn More

Vision Resource Coalition

If you’re a blind or visually impaired individual, you are not alone. We are here to help you and your loved one find answers, resources, and hope.

As advocates for the blind and visually impaired, we lead the Vision Resources Coalition, a collaborative effort between more than 25 agencies and organizations that all serve the blind and visually impaired population in eastern Nebraska and Western Iowa. The agencies listed here are members of the coalition.

Assistive Technology Partnership

Administers the National Deaf Blind Equipment Distribution program for low-income individuals who are deaf.

(402) 595-1613


Provides assistive technology solutions for children and adults with disabilities gain unrestricted access to educational, vocational, recreational, home, and community activities.

(402) 500-0667

Boys Town National Research Hospital

BTNRH’s Vision Program supports children with visual impairments by offering programs and events including: Camp Abilities Nebraska and the Beeping Easter Egg Hunt.

(402) 498-6365

Building Healthy Futures: Child Vision Collaborative

Works to create a coordinated system for vision care that includes education, screening, diagnosing, and treatment for underserved children in our city’s most impoverished communities.

(402) 715-4160

Bus Across Nebraska – Ski for Light

Provides transportation and other support for visually impaired and volunteers for attendance at the Black Hills Ski for Light in Deadwood, SD.

(712) 366-9596

Children’s Hospital & Medical Center Eye Clinic

Dedicated to providing superior and comprehensive pediatric eye care – from routine eye exams and fittings for glasses to complex surgical procedures.

(402) 955-8280

Christian Record – Services for the Blind

Provide quarterly magazine bibles, in braille, audio lending library, a speakers bureau and adult and youth camps for the blind around the country

(402) 488-0981

Council Bluffs Visually Impaired Support Group

Provides hope for blind and visually impaired individuals through monthly guest speakers that talk about being or living with a visual impairment. After the presentation the group discusses any concerns, challenges and shared experiences. Everyone with visual impairment is welcome. Second Wednesday of the month at the Council Bluffs Public Library.

(402) 980-9980

Eastern Nebraska Office on Aging (ENOA)

Offers intermittent support to older Nebraskans so they may continue to live independently, live with dignity, and remain for as long as possible in their own homes.

(402) 444-6536

Heartland Eye Consultants

Low vision rehabilitation, prescribing of glasses, and devices including magnifiers, telescopes and electronic aids.

(402) 493-6500

Iowa Council of the United Blind (ICUB) Across Iowa Chapter

An at large group which meets the first Thursday of each month via phone at Conference call #:  712-432-5610; Access code: 782. This is an affiliation of the ACB.  Any person who cannot physically attend an ACB chapter is welcome to attend conference calls. National ACB and local ICUB topics are discussed.  After business then it is time for persons to share personal experiences relating to blindness.

(402) 980-9980

J Ross Tech

Jonathan Ross is an independent technology consultant, providing adaptive technology support, customization and training to individuals, businesses and schools, to meet the personal employment or educational goals of individuals who are blind or visually impaired.

(402) 403-9072


Providing services mainly to the blind, visually impaired and hearing impaired.

(402) 333-6163

Lions Clubs of Iowa

Supports the Iowa Lions Eye Bank, Iowa KidSight program (screenings) and the Iowa Department for the Blind with programming support. Part of the largest service organization in the world to help people with vision and hearing loss.

(515) 232-2215


Public transit service for those who are visually impaired or physically disabled in the Omaha metro area.

(402) 346-8779

NanoPac, Inc.

NanoPac, Inc. serves 8 States including Nebraska, and has been helping the blind and visually impaired since 1987 representing the majority of manufacturers.  They provide magnification solutions which help persons with low vision read and remain independent.  NanoPac has new and used units for sale, and every product comes with life-time support.  They will take older units in on trade if you like, and they come to your home or office to help you.

(402) 905-2794

National Federation of the Blind Omaha Chapter

Empowers blind individual through monthly meetings held on the third Saturday of each month, at 9:15a.m., Swanson Branch Library at 90th and Dodge. Call Bridgit Kuenning-Pollpeter, Chapter President, to reserve a spot.

(402) 350-1735

Nebraska Center for the Education of Children who are Blind or Visually Impaired

A program that offers the expertise and specialized skills of the center’s staff to blind, visually impaired, and multi-handicapped students in residential, day, and outreach settings.

(402) 873-5513

Nebraska Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired

A state vocational rehabilitation agency for the blind, working to help blind and visually impaired Nebraskans achieve full and rewarding lives through independent living skills and assisting with finding employment in Nebraska and across the country.

(402) 471-2891

Nebraska Foundation for Visually Impaired Children

Provides children with resources and tools otherwise not available to them. Believes childhood and teen experiences of the blind and visually impaired are essential to their success as adults.

(402) 699-2389

Nebraska Library Commission Talking Book and Braille Service

Part of a nationwide network of cooperating libraries headed by the National Library Service (NLS), a division of the Library of Congress. Provides free audiobooks, audio magazines and braille through the mail and through digital download to individuals with a visual or physical condition, or a reading disability which limits use of regular print.

(402) 471-6553

Nebraska Lions Eye Bank, Inc

Recovers, evaluates, processes and distributes human donor eye tissue for corneal transplantation.

(402) 559-5864

Nebraska Low Vision

Nebraska Low Vision was founded by Patrick J. Fischer who has been helping the blind and visually impaired since 1990. Patrick is an entrepreneur that loves technology and helping people blind and visually impaired find solutions that allow them to remain independent. Nebraska Low Vision sells new and pre-owned magnification equipment which comes with life-time support.  They have the largest in-state inventory of new and used magnification equipment for sale.

(402) 905-2697

Nebraska Medical Association

An advocacy organization comprised of 3,000 physicians (MDs and DOs), residents and medical students from across all areas of Nebraska.

(402) 474-4472

Nebraska Optometric Association

Representing the interests of Nebraska optometrists.

(402) 474-7716

Omaha Association of the Blind

Embraces a mission to promote the social, intellectual, and economic welfare of the blind in Omaha, to work toward their interests and needs, and to foster an environment for communication & networking among the legally blind. Provides transportation to and from OAB Meetings.

(402) 320-4226

Omaha Council of the Blind

A nonprofit organization of and for the blind and visually impaired adults of Omaha which provides opportunities for information and socialization for its members.

(402) 553-8999

Outlook Nebraska

An Omaha-based nonprofit dedicated to making a positive impact on the lives of the blind and visually impaired through employment, adaptive technology training, recreation and cultural experiences, and educational opportunities.

(402) 614-3331

Radio Talking Book Service

Nebraska’s Audio Companion to the blind, or visually impaired. Seeks to eliminate the inability to read print as a disabling condition.

(402) 572-3003

Share A Fare, Inc.

Provides transportation for the blind and visually impaired citizens in the Greater Omaha area by promoting a cab subsidy program to enhance independent travel and effective participation in society.

(402) 827-9814

Weigel Williamson Center for Visual Rehabilitation

The latest advances in technology are used to determine the tools and training activities that are needed to assist individuals with low vision in maximizing the use of their remaining vision.

(402) 559-2463


Provides participatory and specially designed arts workshops to the visually impaired, hearing impaired, and individuals with intellectual and physical disabilities.

(402) 541-4181