Celebrating National Library Lovers Month With Accessible Options

February is National Library Lovers Month, focusing on reading and the institutions providing books and other materials. We honor and recognize libraries’ important role in the community, but traditional neighborhood libraries are not always adequate for people with visual impairments.

However, these two resources specifically meet the needs of the blind: Bookshare and the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled, also known as NLS. Both popular libraries provide a considerable volume of audio, braille, and large-print books.


One of the two resources for the blind is Bookshare. This resource is an eBook library with nearly 800,000 titles and is the most extensive collection of accessible eBooks worldwide. It includes books for educational pursuits, employment, professional development, reading pleasure, and titles in over 34 languages.

A good book player is essential for enjoying these thousands of books. The Victor Reader Stream, NLS Talking Book Player, and apps like Dolphin Easy Reader and Voice Dream Reader allow you to read Bookshare books easily. You can also access books using your PC, laptop, and tablet.

Your method to download a selected book will depend on your device or app. Nonetheless, any method requires an internet connection. Bookshare, a subscription service, requires a membership fee, but students can access this library for free.

National Library Service 

A free library service enacted by Congress, NLS provides printed materials in audio and braille. Patrons can request books, magazines, and other materials by contacting NLS regional network libraries. The regional library then mails your requests as audio digital cartridges that play on a specialized NLS player.

Patrons can borrow the player from their regional library. A person with a vision impairment can also access a copy of a book’s Braille Audio and Reading Download (BARD). On a PC or laptop, you can access BARD Express, where books can download quickly and efficiently to multiple devices, just like Bookshare.

The BARD mobile app allows book access for those using smartphones or tablets. Unlike Bookshare, NLS books are not text-to-speech files. Each NLS book is read and recorded by a human being or is a commercial audiobook provided by the publisher. The collection has about 65 percent fiction and 35 percent nonfiction. Bestsellers, biographies, fiction, and how-to books are the most popular. Some books in Spanish and a limited number in other languages are also available for download.

Since these resources for the blind are designed for the disabled community, both Bookshare and NLS require proof of disability as part of their application process. They also have offerings for visually impaired young adults and children.

To get started, contact Outlook’s Adaptive Technology Training program for assistance. Our trainers can also show you how to use other reading apps for the blind, including Audible and Kindle eBooks.

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