Tandem Bike Club – Corporate Cycling Challenge

The Corporate Cycling Challenge is the biggest ride in Nebraska and allows you to take on a bigger challenge than our usual bike rides. There is an option for a 12-mile route or a 24-mile route. We have bike captains ready to ride no matter which route you choose. This ride starts in the Capitol District and offers a scenic, flat journey through the Carter Lake area. Be a part of something big and join the Corporate Cycling Challenge this year.

*Registration closes on the Monday of the event week*

Directions for signing up for multiple rides at once:
We encourage you to sign up for any rides you are available for. To avoid having to register for each ride individually, please note the bike rides you are available for in the section below that says, “Anything besides vision loss that needs to be considered for adaptations.”

For riders with vision loss, please list the rides you want to sign up for and ensure the number of rides you’re signing up for is reflected in the quantity field of your registration, which is down towards the end.

Upcoming rides:

(You can copy, paste, and edit this list to make it easier)

If you want to commit to one ride at a time, you can always visit the website to sign up for rides individually.

Questions? Email our Community Events Coordinator, Megan.

Tandem Bike Club – Night Ride for Ice Cream

July is usually one of the hottest months to ride. Let’s beat the heat on bikes with a tandem bike ride with a pitstop for an ice cream treat. This is one of our favorite and most popular annual rides. We start in the evening and head to Culver’s for ice cream. By the ride back, it’s dark, but our bikes are laced up with lights that shine and twinkle down the Keystone trail. Standard and recumbent tandem bikes will be available. Riders can bring a volunteer bike captain with them. Otherwise, Enrichment will provide one.

*Registration closes on the Monday of the event week*

Directions for signing up for multiple rides at once:
We encourage you to sign up for any rides you are available for. To avoid having to register for each ride individually, please note the bike rides you are available for in the section below that says, “Anything besides vision loss that needs to be considered for adaptations.”

For riders with vision loss, please list the rides you want to sign up for and ensure the number of rides you’re signing up for is reflected in the quantity field of your registration, which is down towards the end.

Upcoming rides:

(You can copy, paste, and edit this list to make it easier)

If you want to commit to one ride at a time, you can always visit the website to sign up for rides individually.

Questions? Email our Community Events Coordinator, Megan.

Tandem Bike Club – Riverfront Ride

The new riverfront and Gene Leahy Mall are the talk of the town and it will be the start of our next tandem bike ride. Although parts of the official Riverfront Trail are closed due to flooding and construction, we will start in the heart of the downtown area at Omaha’s Kiewit’s Luminarium parking lot, bike through a bit of the park and head southbound past Lauritzen Gardens, the zoo, and turn around at Mt. Vernon Park in South Omaha. A total of 10 miles of trail riding! As always, we can accommodate brand new bikers or seasoned bikers. You can bring your own tandem, your own partner or Outlook can provide everything you need.

Questions? Email our Community Events Coordinator, Megan.

Community Engagement


Outlook Enrichment aims to provide a wide range of unique opportunities to keep visually impaired adults fit, engaged in the community, and boost self-confidence.


Activities change every year to provide exposure to new and diverse experiences.

Adaptive Sports Programs

Enrichment’s adaptive sports specialists lead all activities and can accommodate for various types of vision loss and a wide range of additional disabilities our participants may have.

Some of our past recreational events include adaptive self-defense classes, bowling, cross-fit, yoga, and much more.

Bike Club

Summer is coming; bike club is gearing up! Our Tandem Bike Club pairs community volunteers with Enrichment participants for a series of cycling adventures over the summer. The bike club will keep you pumping from the Corporate Cycling Challenge to exciting night rides.

Out and About

This program focuses on community engagement. Participants meet at a central location and organize to participate in all the excellent programming the metropolitan Omaha area offers, like Jazz on the Green, patio bike rides, parades, botanical gardens, and the Taste of Omaha.

White Cane Safety Day, October 15, was established in 1964 by President Lyndon B. Johnson to raise awareness of people who carry a white cane. Each year, the Outlook Enrichment family celebrates the abilities and freedoms provided to our participants by the white cane, a symbol of independence and access to our community.

While program participants enjoy these activities, they act as Outlook Enrichment’s ambassadors, increasing community awareness and educating the community on the capabilities of individuals with vision loss.

Other Benefits

Our activities provide social opportunities with peers their ages, foster independence, and teach essential life skills. Additionally, participants develop relationships with peers, providing a sense of community and fellowship.


A nominal, non-refundable registration fee is charged when you reserve a spot.

Program Requirements

All participants must complete Image and Audio Consent and Medical & Liability Release Forms. News media or other media outlets not affiliated with Outlook Enrichment may be present at an event.

Recreational Adventures

We have recreation opportunities for individuals of all ages who are blind or visually impaired. Participants engage in programming to improve healthy lifestyles, boost confidence, and build relationships.

Program activities include monthly activities like:

Weekly recurring fitness activities and social/cultural outings are also provided to eliminate barriers to accessing community activities.

Fitness Activities

Outlook Enrichment offers four whole family activities a year. These family activities are often the first interactions youth will have with us.

Parents of blind youth and parents who have vision loss turn to Enrichment to provide accessible opportunities to engage in recreation opportunities and experience vision loss from the perspective of their loved ones.


Youth Programs

Physical activity is essential for everyone, especially kids. Studies have shown that blind children are less physically active than their peers. Once a month, we offer visually impaired young people an opportunity to get up and get moving through youth recreational adventures.


Outlook Enrichment aims to provide a wide range of unique opportunities to keep visually impaired youth fit, engage in the community, and boost self-confidence.


Activities change every year to provide exposure to new and diverse experiences. Enrichment’s adaptive sports specialists lead all activities and can accommodate the various types of vision loss and a wide range of additional disabilities our youth may have.

Some of our past recreational events included Tree Top Adventures, skiing, paddle boarding, soccer, ax throwing, and more.

These activities expose teens to the kind of play that helps them overcome barriers they might face while introducing them to peers who understand visual challenges.

Other Benefits

Our activities provide social opportunities with peers their age, foster independence, and teach essential life skills. Additionally, youth develop relationships with other youth peers, providing friendship, a sense of community, and a sense of belonging that they may not have otherwise. Often, participants may be the only students in their school with vision loss, leading to isolation and loneliness.


A nominal, non-refundable registration fee is charged when you reserve a spot.

Program Requirements

All participants must complete Image and Audio Consent and Medical & Liability Release Forms. News media or other media outlets not affiliated with Outlook Enrichment may be present at an event.