Sponsorship Opportunities

Embark on a journey of giving with Outlook Enrichment’s diverse sponsorship opportunities. As you explore our programs and initiatives, consider how your support can make a meaningful impact in the lives of individuals with vision loss. Join us in creating a brighter future by giving back today.

Tee It Up Fore Sight Sponsorships

Tee It Up Fore Sight has been called one of Omaha’s best-run charity golf events. It is one of the only fundraising tournaments in the area with a dedicated women’s flight. Paired with our Stanley M. Truhlsen, Jr. Blind Golfer Clinic, this event will give your guests a new perspective on visual impairment.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024
11 a.m. Shotgun Start
Tiburon Golf Club, 10302 S 168th St., Omaha, Nebraska

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Vision Beyond Sight Gala Sponsorships

We often hear from our clients that they are on the vision loss journey alone. Let’s come together this year to show them that they are not alone and that we are here every step of the way.

Help raise support for Outlook Enrichment and experience the kind of vision that transcends sight.

Friday, November 8, 2024
5-9 p.m.
Omaha Marriott Downtown, 222 N 10th St., Omaha, Nebraska

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Visionary Sponsorships

Show your support for Outlook Enrichment and its mission year-round with our Visionary Sponsorship packages. These elite sponsorship opportunities include top-level recognition at our two annual signature events — Tee It Up Fore Sight and Vision Beyond Sight Gala — plus special perks available only to our Visionaries.

Each package is exclusive—only one of each level will be sold. For more information, contact Nina Rongisch, Executive Director, at nrongisch@outlooken.org or 531-365-5432.

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Observe National Nonprofit Day with Outlook Enrichment

Today, we observe National Nonprofit Day by recognizing nonprofits and their powerful, changing work in our local communities. As a nonprofit, Outlook Enrichment provides services and programs for more than 15,000 people impacted by vision loss in the Omaha area. We appreciate your generosity and use this day to acknowledge your support. Clients like Julia received peer support and adaptive technology training because of people like you.

Julia had not only lost her vision but her spouse as well. Attending the support group greatly benefited her because she could share her story and find common ground with others. 

“I never thought I would need a support group in my life. However, attending the support group sessions connected me to others like me. They have the same issues or thoughts; we can share information on our good and bad days. We share our success stories and the things that make us mad,” she said. “We can all relate, although we’re of different races, too. We all share the same situations, and nobody is better than anybody else. We’re all in this together pretty much.”

She also received technical support and encouragement when her job started using Microsoft Teams. Our assistive technology department was familiar with the software and helped Julia learn the skills needed to complete her work duties in finance. She has been working at her job for about 18 years and hopes to retire in the next five. Once retired, Julia wants to pay it forward and volunteer at Outlook.

Peer support and adaptive technology are two of the many programs we offer to our clients. Recreational activities are also just as essential to regaining confidence and independence. Tanya, who had always participated in arts and culture, thought those days were over because of her vision loss. After contacting Outlook, she took advantage of the virtual game nights. During the Christmas holiday, she joined the celebration with virtual carol games. Then, during Mother’s Day, she used her love of art to create a fairy garden.

“I put little fairies, a bridge with a pond, a dolphin cruising, and some little mushrooms in my garden. I also got clear blue and green little smooth rocks to use as water,” Tanya describes. “It was so much fun. I look at it to this day, and it’s growing and getting so big. I just love it. It just makes me feel good.”

Tanya also loved Outlook’s rock climbing event. Both her husband and son participated, turning it into a family affair. 

“I got to the top two times. Then, when I did it the third time, I got tired. But they coached me to keep going,” said Tanya. “Then my husband and I went against each other going up together. I had a fun time.”

Honor National Nonprofit Day by helping more people with limited vision, like these clients, use their technology, socialize, and increase their confidence. We get many calls from people who are losing their vision and family members seeking help. Your time, talent, or treasure is needed today. Outlook’s technology training, art classes, peer support groups, and other programs would not have been sustainable without your help. Donate while shopping through AmazonSmile or completing a donation form today.

Ken’s Story – How Your Support Transforms Lives

This past year, Ken missed eye doctor appointments because of COVID-19. When he finally got in to see the doctor, his vision had changed. His optic nerve was damaged. As a result, he would probably lose vision in the left eye, which would be very similar to the already lost vision in his right. When Outlook called, Ken responded and was able to get help.

“The VA Hospital sent a referral to Outlook for me to receive services,” he said. “I needed assistance using the applications on my Android phone.”

Virtual programs and adaptations 

Ken, who lives outside of Omaha, worked remotely with Outlook Enrichment’s adaptive technology team. Since he has low vision, they were able to help Ken use the smartphone’s magnification features. He also learned little tricks, like taking pictures of objects and enlarging them for better viewing.

During this time, instruction became virtual to meet the needs of the blind and visually impaired community. Your help allowed Outlook to pivot during the pandemic. Some programs were adapted, while new ones were established to continue providing continuous services to the more than 15,000 people whose lives are impacted by vision loss in the Omaha area. 

Usually, adaptive technology training occurs at Outlook in person, with direct one-on-one instruction. Now, those sessions are online in a virtual classroom, and enrollment has actually increased. Clients from greater Nebraska, greater Iowa, West Virginia, and several clients in other states found Outlook online. Additionally, your support helped Outlook establish a technology helpline for people with visual impairments: (531) 365-5334.

The adaptive technology trainers respond to messages within 24 hours, providing technology solutions to help the blind stay connected to their loved ones and continue to conduct business.

Virtual Independent Living Series

People with vision loss seek ways to regain their independence and self-confidence. Living with vision loss can be overwhelming without support. Outlook Enrichment has created programs to assist people with visual impairment live an inclusive and fulfilled life. 

The virtual Independent Living Series offers training classes and workshops, safe cooking skills, and home and time management classes. We also provide educational programming, such as understanding various forms of transportation in the community.

TJ learned how to type on her computer using a screen reader. She also took recreational classes and went bowling. She accomplished all of this with help from God and encouragement from the instructors at Outlook.

“They helped me with my self-confidence. You feel like you have no fear anymore and can do anything,” she said. They helped me realize my potential, which I thought was gone.”

Outlook Enrichment started enhancing our arts and culture activities to meet a more diverse population of ages and interests. Depending on individual comfort levels, many opportunities are offered via Zoom or in person.

Audiobook clubs, virtual game nights, and social gatherings are offered. In-person activities include adaptive soap making, tactual art workshops, audio-described tours of local venues, and houseplant gardening.

“We did all kinds of art projects at Outlook. I’ve taken mosaic, essential oils, soap-making, and aromatherapy classes,” said TJ.

How we can help 

Outlook Enrichment knows it can be helpful to have someone to talk to about the unique challenges people with vision loss face. Others with vision loss understand and can help with solutions. 

We host ongoing virtual peer support groups led by a trained facilitator. Our clients can participate from the comforts of home via phone or videoconference.

You can help more people with limited vision, like these clients, use their technology, socialize, and increase their confidence. We get calls every day from people losing their vision and family members seeking help. 

The support of your time, gift, or talent is needed today. Outlook’s technology training, art classes, peer support groups and other programs are not sustainable without your help. Donate while shopping through AmazonSmile or by completing a donation form today.

Enhance Your Legacy Through Creative Giving

As we continue to look for ways to help those with vision loss in Nebraska, we know that your generosity helps us succeed. That is why we appreciate your support. We also want you to benefit from your gifts. Did you know you can add Outlook Enrichment as a partial, contingent, or full beneficiary to your life insurance or 401(k)? There are many creative ways for you to give to Outlook Enrichment.

Through creative gift planning, you can secure your financial future and ours. We always recommend you meet with an attorney or tax professional specializing in estate planning to help you with these gifts. We can work with your advisors to help you plan for tomorrow and receive maximum benefits today. 

Some possible gift benefits are:

Let’s explore some of the different options and design a plan to fit your needs.

A current will or trust

A bequest from either a will or living trust allows you to pass any amount you wish to Outlook Enrichment, free of estate tax. You can give cash, specific property or a percentage of your estate, with or without restrictions. Some of the benefits you will receive are:

Your retirement assets

Most retirement plan assets face double taxation – estate and income tax. If you can make other arrangements for your family, you can name Outlook Enrichment as your partial, contingent, or full beneficiary. Assets in these accounts will be passed to Outlook Enrichment without any tax obligation. The value of this gift also qualifies for an estate tax charitable deduction.

Life insurance

You can name Outlook Enrichment as the beneficiary if you have a life insurance policy that you no longer need to support a spouse, partner, or other family members. This lets you retain ownership of the policy. While this approach has no current tax benefits, the policy’s value will be removed from your estate for tax purposes.

You can also make Outlook Enrichment the owner and beneficiary of an existing policy. Instead of just naming us as the beneficiary, you will transfer full ownership of the policy to Outlook Enrichment. In addition to removing the policy’s value from your estate, you will also receive a charitable income tax deduction.

A third option when wondering how to help in Nebraska is to help Outlook Enrichment purchase a new life insurance policy on your life. You will be able to give a substantial future gift to us at a relatively low cost, to you. Outlook Enrichment would be both the policy owner and beneficiary.

Retained life estate

Through a retained life estate, you transfer ownership of your home or farm to Outlook Enrichment while retaining the right to live on the property. You receive an income tax deduction in the year of the gift based on your age and the property’s value. You will also reduce the size of your estate and simplify the estate process for your executors. They will be relieved of any costs, expenses, and delays involved in transferring or selling real property.

Charitable trusts

A charitable trust is a set of assets that a donor signs over or uses to create a charitable foundation. The charity holds and manages the assets. There are several types of charitable trusts. It is best to work with a professional to establish your charitable trust.

As you can see, there are many ways to get creative when giving a gift to Outlook Enrichment if you are wondering how to help in Nebraska. Many of these creative options provide you with tax benefits now and at your death to your estate. Outlook Enrichment will work with your advisors to give you more flexibility when planning your gift. We appreciate all you do for us and welcome you to support us in whichever manner you choose.

How Your Support Sustains Enrichment Services Amid the Pandemic

Significant adjustments were made quickly when the coronavirus pandemic struck earlier this year. People learned how to wear facemasks and wash hands or use sanitizer more frequently. Restaurants, movie theaters, gyms, and other businesses had to shut down. Terms like “pandemic,” “sheltering in place,” “social distancing,” and “virtual” became a part of our daily vocabulary. People learned how to use Zoom and started working from home.

These changes impacted the services and programs offered to the blind and visually impaired community by Outlook Enrichment. Like many nonprofits, Outlook Enrichment canceled some programs and events. With your help, we have adapted others and established new ones for continuous services to more than 35,000 people whose lives have been impacted by vision loss in Nebraska and beyond. Immediately, we shifted focus to a case management model and deployed a rapid response team to increase access to essential goods and services.

Adaptive technology training sessions are usually in person at Outlook and include direct one-on-one instruction. However, they are now also available online in a virtual classroom, and enrollment has increased.

“When the clients were in-house, we could show them the gestures needed to use the iPhone with their hands. When we started virtual training, we had to think of better descriptive ways to get them to do these gestures. This builds up the confidence of our clients since they have to do all the changes on their devices themselves by listening to what we tell them,” explains Doug Wampler, Enrichment Program Adaptive Technology Facilitator. “Clients coming in for training limited us to people inside Omaha city limits and surrounding areas. Now knowing how to distance train, we have clients from greater Nebraska, greater Iowa, West Virginia, and several other states that found us online needing our services.”

The virtual training sessions allowed Jane to get the help she needed even as the pandemic continued to grip our country. “These classes kept me going. Even with COVID-19, I knew I could have my class every week. Without the technology training from Outlook Enrichment, I don’t know where I would be.”

With your support, Outlook also established a technology helpline for people with visual impairments: (531) 365-5334. The adaptive technology trainers respond to messages within 24 hours, providing technology solutions to help the blind stay connected to their loved ones and continue to conduct business.

Outlook understands the needs of our clients during these unprecedented times and that social distancing doesn’t mean social isolation. Peer support groups, an audiobook club, board games, and other social activities were created virtually so that clients could interact with each other. Katie enjoyed the Family Feud game, and TJ enjoyed the audiobook club and is taking typing.

“The training has assisted me in becoming more independent and continuing to enjoy things I love, like reading and surfing the net,” TJ said.

TJ also appreciates the positive environment, especially during a pandemic.

“The Outlook Team has provided options, tools, and information to help me overcome and become more independent. Their guidance, knowledge, and inspiration helped me to keep going. They are like a breath of fresh air.”

You can help more people with limited vision, like these clients, use their technology, socialize, and increase their confidence. We get calls every day from people losing their vision and family members seeking help. Your support of your time, gift, or talent is needed today. Outlook’s technology training and other programs would not have been sustainable without your help. Donate while shopping through Amazon Smile or complete a donation form as an end-of-year gift.

Five Benefits of Volunteering in Your Community

Volunteering allows people to donate their time and talents to people and organizations throughout their communities. Many not-for-profit and charitable organizations lack sufficient funding to pay their staff members a salary.

These organizations could not meet the needs of those they serve without the generosity and support of their volunteers. The week of April 19-25 is National Volunteer Week, and to celebrate it, there are five benefits of volunteering, though this article only scratches the surface.

It builds connections.

If you’re new to an area, volunteering helps you connect with people with similar interests. Together, you and your new friends can participate in fun and worthwhile activities for important community-wide causes.

It boosts your confidence.

Volunteering boosts confidence, raises self-esteem, and helps you develop social skills. If you feel comfortable around others and like participating in community-wide events, you may find donating your time and skills an essential part of your life. 

However, being around large numbers of people may make you uncomfortable if you’re an introvert. Participating in activities with the same group of people consistently allows you to practice and develop your social skills. Volunteering also allows you to meet new people and grow your social network.

It teaches the importance of giving back.

Family volunteering teaches children the importance of giving back while adding value to their lives and the lives of those they serve. It also connects parents with organizations providing child-friendly community activities.

It helps meet the needs of people in your community.

If you are a visually impaired volunteer, you can benefit from volunteering your time and skills to help meet the needs of people and organizations in your community. Even during this time of social distancing, you can still help your community from the comfort of your home.

With today’s technological enhancements, many visually impaired people volunteer over the phone or online. For example, some organizations may need content for emails, blogs, websites, and other materials. Other organizations need people to make or answer phone calls from a remote location.

Make sure your organization has a staff person available to answer any questions. Even though you’re volunteering at home, you can still connect through social media and other online platforms.

It helps your career.

Volunteering provides opportunities to advance your career or start a new one. You can learn new skills and enhance those you already have, connect with organizations that offer internships, and meet potential employers.

In honor of National Volunteer Week (April 19-25, 2020), Outlook Enrichment would like to thank all our volunteers for their service to our community. Although no events are happening now, preparations are underway for future events. Sign up for one of our volunteer opportunities here.